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Field Epidemiology Training Program
About FETP
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About FETP
Vision and mission
Tasks and responsibilities
FETP organization chart
Diploma FE
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DFE course
Eligibility Criteria
Graduate Responsibilities
Course Layout
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Course layout
501 FETP: Principles of Epidemiology
502 FETP: Bio-statistics
503 FETP: Epidemiologic Application of Microcomputers
504 FETP: Infectious Disease Epidemiology
505 FETP: Chronic Disease Epidemiology
506 FETP: Scientific Writing and Report Preparation
507 FETP: Public Health Programs
508-12 FETP: Seminars in Epidemiology
513-17 FETP: Epidemiology Practice
518-21 FETP: Outbreak Investigations
522-25 FETP: Surveillance Systems
526 FETP: Long Term Project
527-28 FETP: Scientific Presentations
529-30 FETP: Training Activities
Course Evaluation
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Course Evaluation
Evaluation Layout
University Examinations
Literature Review Assignment
Epidemiological Studies
Other Assessments
General Instructions for Residents
Outline of Study Protocol / Proposal
Outline for study reports
Guidelines for Evaluation of Oral Presentations
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Current Residents
Academic staff
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FETP studies
Saudi Epidemiology Bulletin
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Alumni statistics
Studies statistics
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Map of graduates
Map of studies
FETP Studies
Transfusion Malaria in Riyadh City, 2000.
Traffic Violations and Road injury severity Riyadh city 1424 H (2003 G)
The Pattern of Breast-feeding, Riyadh, 2000.
The characteristics of the food poisoning outbreaks in Riyadh regions in the last two years (2013 -2014): cross-sectional study.
Strengthening Epidemiologic Surveillance in Riyadh City.
Socio-demographic characteristics associated with tobacco consumption among Smokers Attended Smoking cessation Clinics in Riyadh, 2018
Serratia marcescens Septicemias in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Serratia marcescens Colonization in a Newly Opened Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Scabies Outbreak Investigation in Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia in 2018
Scabies Outbreak in Riyadh Region.
Saudi CDC COVID-19 Rapid Response Teams-A, 4-Month Report, April 2020-July 2020.
Salmonellosis Associated With Fried Chicken Restaurants.
Salmonella outbreak associated with Tiramisu dessert 28/8 to 2/9 1418H (December 28-31, 1997).
Salmonella outbreak among attendees of two wedding parties, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, July 2000.
Salmonella Food poisoning outbreak among Students of a college in Riyadh, October 2009 (1430)
Salmonella enteritidis Outbreak, Riyadh, 1999.
Rubella in a Girls Elementary School.
Risk Factors for Smoking among Secondary School Students, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1997.
Risk Factors for Hepatitis C in Polyclinic Patients, Saudi Arabia, 1990-1991.
Risk Factors for Acquiring Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) at Emergency Rooms (ER) in a Major Hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Reasons for Tooth Loss in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1996.
Quality of life of children with type-1 diabetes and difficulties that they and their families facing on day to day living with diabetes
Quality of life among auditory handicapped male schoolchildren in Riyadh City.
Pulmonary Tuberculosis among Secondary School Students in Riyadh City Center, 1419 H.
Prevalence, Acceptability and Accessibility to different Contraceptives among Saudi Females at Governmental Primary Health Care Centers (PHCCs) in Riyadh 1435H, 2014G.
Prevalence of substance use disorder among psychiatric patients at Eradah Complex and Mental Health-Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Prevalence of Complications among Saudi Males Type 2 Diabetic Patients in Riyadh Primary Health Care Centers ,2019
Prevalence and determinants of depression, anxiety and stress among secondary School students in Riyadh City, 2012.
Potential Risk Factors for Acquiring Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in a Bedouin Settlement, Saudi Arabia, 1994.
Phenotype of keratoconus patients in King Khalid Eye Specialist Hospital
Perceptions of Health Care Workers in Prince Salman Hospital in Riyadh City to current anti-tobacco pictorial warning labels May, 2013: A Cross Sectional Study
Perception, attitude and early detection behaviors of Breast Cancer among females attending Primary Health Care centers in Riyadh city.
Pattern of injuries and their outcome among patients admitted with road traffic accidents at King Saud medical City, Riyadh during 2010.
Pattern of diseases and preventive measures among domestic Hajjis from Riyadh, 1431 H
Pattern of Chemical Poisoning, Riyadh 1999-2001.
Pattern of AlKhurma disease in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2014-2016.
Pan drug resistant organisms outbreak in King Saud Medical City, Riyadh Jan-2016 to July-2016
Outbreak of Salmonella Gastroenteritis among Guests in Three Wedding Halls, Riyadh, 1995.
Outbreak of Primary Infection of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis among Medical Students and Staff, King Saud University, Riyadh, 1997.
Outbreak of Pan drug resistant organisms in King Saud Medical City, Riyadh,Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from February to August 2016.
Outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in Wadi AlDawasir, Saudi Arabia, 2019.
Outbreak of Measles among School Students: Risk Factors for Transmission and Evaluation of Two Vaccination Strategies, Riyadh, November 24, 1996 - June 1, 1997.
Outbreak of Cardiac and Neurological Disease in Construction Workers, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Outbreak of Aseptic Meningitis in Riyadh, 1996.
Nutrition Surveillance in a Well Baby Clinic, Al-Rawda District, Riyadh City, 29/10 to 19/11, 1417 H.
Nosocomial Malaria Probably Transmitted Through A Common Heparin Container, An Epidemiologic Investigation of a Single case.
Nosocomial infection in the adult ICU of King Khalid University hospital in Riyadh 2007.
Neonatal COVID-19 Infection Outbreak of Al Dawadmi General Hospital, Middle Region, Saudi Arabia, March 2020: A Case Report.
MERS-CoV Outbreak Investigation in King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh, Feb-Mar, 2015
MERS-CoV outbreak in Wadi Aldawasir General Hospitals renal dialysis unit, 2017
Measles Vaccine Failure at the Indian Embassy School.
Malaria Outbreak, Riyadh city, January/February 1998.
Low Birth Weight and Infant Mortality in a Major Hospital in Riyadh City, January-June 1999.
Locally Acquired Malaria Cases in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Life style patterns and obesity prevalence among male intermediate school students in Riyadh City, KSA, 2010G
Knowledge of health workers at Riyadh Medical Complex of Health Care Waste management, 2004
Knowledge and Practices of Physicians regarding use of antibiotics in treatment of upper respiratory tract infection.
Knowledge and Behaviour of the Medical Services Department (M.S.D) of Armed Forces Employees Toward Seat Belt Use, Riyadh, 2007
Job Satisfaction among Healthcare Workers at King Fahad Medical City Hospital in Riyadh, Descriptive Study, 2020.
Investigation of some components of female adolescent health in a school in Riyadh.
Investigation of Food Poisoning Outbreak, Al Majma'ah, Riyadh Province, Saudi Arabia, 20.Nov.2020
Investigation of a cluster of MERS CoV cases in a Family in Riyadh, March 2015.
Injection practices and medical waste disposal in EPI program in Riyadh and Eastern regions, Saudi Arabia, 2004.
Initiation of laboratory-based surveillance and outcome of surveillance of selected diseases, Riyadh central Laboratory.
Infectious Disease Surveillance in the Riyadh Region.
Infection Control Practices in the Private Dental Sector, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1999.
Infection Control in Dental Clinics, Riyadh Survey, 1997.
Incidence Rate and Risk Factors for Low Birth Weight (LBW) Babies in Three Major Hospitals in Riyadh City, 1997.
Incidence of Hajj related upper respiratory infection among hajjis from Riyadh, 1423H (2003)
Incidence of Acute Respiratory Infections among hajjis from Riyadh, 1434H (2013 G)
Impact of health education program on knowledge, attitude and practices about obesity and over weight among Saudi girls' in a primary school, Riyadh city, Saudi Arabia 2006.
Impact of Bronchial Asthma Symptoms on the Life style of Asthmatic Saudi Children, in Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia, 2006
Hospital onset, community-associated Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Outbreak in a Well Newborn Nursery in a Teaching Hospital
Hepatitis A in Afif, 1997.
Hepatitis A during the Gulf Crisis.
Head lice Outbreak in Primary Girls School Riyadh, 2010
Head lice outbreak in Kindergarten children, Riyadh, 2011
Haematuria and Dysuria due to Eating Wild Birds Feeding on Insects Producing Canthardine, Al Majmaa, April 1999.
Guillan-Barre Syndrome in Riyadh City.
Gastroenteritis outbreak among attendees of reconciliation banquet in Riyadh city, Saudi Arabia, May 2007.
Foodborne Salmonella Outbreak from Chicken Shawarma Sandwiches, Western Riyadh, June 2001.
Foodborne Salmonella Outbreak from Chicken Shawarma Sandwiches, Western Riyadh, June 1997.
Field Investigation of a Measles outbreak in Wade alDawasir City, 2018.
Female Health Care Workers Knowledge, Attitudes & Practices towards Breast Self Examination, Riyadh, 2013.
Falciparum Malaria Transmitted In The Hospital Through Heparin Locks.
Factors that contributed in prolongation of an outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in major hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Evaluation of Two Vaccination Strategies for Control of an Outbreak of Measles in Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia.
Evaluation of the Surveillance System in the Dwadmi Region, 1994.
Evaluation of the Cold Chain Expanded Program on Immunization at Governmental and Private Health Care Centers in Riyadh city, Saudi Arabia, 1442H- 2020G
Evaluation of Oral Poliovaccine (OPV) Delivery during 1996 National Immunization Days (NID), Riyadh Region, Saudi Arabia.
Evaluation of Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) Delivery during 1996 National Immunization Days, Riyadh Region, Saudi Arabia.*
Evaluation of Medical Laser Hazard and Control Measures, in Health Facilities, Riyadh, 1429H, 2008G.
Evaluation of Measles situation in Riyadh Region during 2004 G.
Evaluation of Completeness and Validity of Cancer Registration, Riyadh Medical Complex, Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia.
Evaluation of Cold Chain in Expanded Program on Immunization at Health Facilities in Riyadh and Eastern Regions, Saudi Arabia.
Evaluating the Usability and Perceived Impact of a Health Electronic Surveillance Network HESN in infection control bundles, MOH
Epidemiology of Salmonellosis during Summer 1998, Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia.
Effects of epilepsy on children live in Riyadh 2012.
Effectiveness of home blood glucose monitoring on controlling type II Diabetes mellitus
Effectiveness of Antenatal Care on Birth Outcome, November 1997.
Drug-Sensitivity Pattern among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Saudi Arabia, January 1994-April 1995.
Doctors' Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Towards National Immunization Days (NIDs) in Riyadh City, 1997.
Depression Among Elderly Residents of Riyadh Social Care Home, 2012.
Compliance to medical advice among hypertensive patients registered at Primary Health Care Centers in Riyadh city 1436 H (2015G)
Chickenpox Outbreak Investigation: A Case Series Study at Eradah Complex for Mental Health. Riyadh, 2018.
Chickenpox Outbreak among Laborers in a Company Compound North of Riyadh, 2001, Saudi Arabia.
Changing Epidemiology of Measles in Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia: Lessons From An Outbreak.
Cesarean section rates in Ministry of Health hospitals in Riyadh city.
Carriage Rate of Meningococcal Meningitis among Riyadh Population, 2002.
Breast Cancer Risk Factors Among Females in Riyadh Medical Complex, 1417-1419 H.
Assessment of the association between lifestyle-related risk factors and development of foot ulcers among male Saudi diabetic patients in Riyadh KSA, 2007
Assessment of perception, experience, and information-seeking behavior of the Saudi people, toward usage and safety of complementary and alternative medicine.
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of the Physicians working in private dispensaries and hospitals in Riyadh city Toward Surveillance System
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Ministry of Health Physicians toward surveillance systemin Riyadh region
Anthropometry Surveillance in a Well Baby Clinic, Al-Rawda District, Riyadh.
An Outbreak of Salmonellosis in an extended Family in Riyadh, 19-20 Shaaban 1415 H (20-21 January, 1995)
An Outbreak of Hepatitis A in Southwest Riyadh City, 1994-1995.
An outbreak of healthcare-associated transmission of HIV infections in a Jizan hemodialysis unit and an assessment of infection control practices in Jizan, Riyadh and Abha Regions, Saudi Arabia
Acintobacter Baumannii resistant outbreak report in King Saud Medical city, trauma ICU, 2017.
A Suspect Nosocomial Malaria Case, Riyadh City, March 1997.
A Knowledge, Attitude and Practices study among nurses in ICU & RDU about universal precautions in Riyadh hospitals, 2003.
A Hepatitis A Outbreak from Untreated Drinking Water in a Rural Saudi Arabian Town.
A Cluster of MERS-CoV Infection Among Expatriate Workers in Residential Compound in Riyadh, October 2015
FETP Studies
Knowledge of health care workers regarding cold chain in EPI program at governmental and private health facilities in Riyadh and Eastern regions, Saudi Arabia, 2004.
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