The provision of an electronic health system became necessary for collecting regular reports and organizing data that facilitate the access to these data and obtain the benefit required of them. Health Electronic Surveillance System (HESN) applied in 2012 to report communicable cases and after it was successful implemented in March 2016 for infection control bundles surveillance. The evaluation is an important step to improve the program commensurate with program users and Ministry of Health requirements. The aims of our study are evaluating the level of satisfaction among infection prevention practitioners using HESN as well as identifying the barriers and weakness these practitioners face and finally suggest recommendations to maximize the ease of use of HESN in Infection Control.
Cross sectional study targeting all health care workers-using HESN in infection control surveillance bundle, within 82 hospital over the kingdom. Predesigned questioner applied on Google Drive and the link shared with all infection control practitioners using HESN through "What's Up'' application on 1 January 2017. The Likert scale had been used. Data entered to Excel and analysed by the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 11.0.
The result show 68.5% of HESN users satisfied and 78.5% of them realized the importance of applying HESN in infection control as that 69.8% prefer use it than traditional paper .Their level of satisfaction were associated with general factors like internet speed, logistic support, technical support and frequency of daily use. Therefore 63.1% agreed that the icons representing the organisms and their categories were clear; and 60.4% agreed about the completeness and quality of laboratory data. 59.1% of respondents believed that items inquiring like hand hygiene should be added to the system. While 49.7% believed that, it was easy to open/close all the options, menus, and 41.6% agreed that there was no need to wait for a long time to have it opened. HESN rarely froze or stopped working so 33.6% agreed that. As so 65.8% believed that HESN had a well-organized design; 65.1% agreed that the key functions or buttons had a clear format and specific order and the browser fitted the screen properly and accurately.
The infection control practitioner satisfied while using HESN instead of papers as well as they recommended some improvements points to ensure achieving the future goals in public health. More studies required to evaluate the new programs that is for maximize its benefits for serving a public health.