Epilepsy effects almost 70 million people globally. Studies to assess quality of life issues among children are scant in Saudi Arabia. This study was conducted to assess physical and psychosocial aspects of life of epileptic children at King Saud Medical City and King Fahd Medical City, in Riyadh.
It was a cross sectional, self-administered questionnaire based survey among 100 mothers having epileptic child below 12 years of age, who attended outpatient clinics from November to December 2012.
Epileptic child of 47% mothers suffered 10 or less epileptic attacks during last 12 months. 40% mothers felt that their epileptic child can harm themselves during an epileptic attack, 58% mothers mentioned that their children always need close watch for fear of injury or harm. 71% of the families had visited Raqi(persons who use Quran for epileptic peoples) and 4% visited Sorcerer (persons who use magic for treatment). 36% mothers always had difficulty to find time for the personal needs due to being busy for the child health care. 59% mentioned that they were mostly satisfied. Main source of information about epilepsy for the families were the doctors and health staff (53%), while 50% mothers like to know how to act during an epileptic attack.
Ministry of health should develop a program for health education for parents, of epileptic children focusing on nature of disease; need of compliance to treatment and follow-up even after improvement; adjustment of doses in different life- scenarios; actions to be taken during an epileptic attack. Development of social support mechanism for epileptic patients is also recommended.