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Musaad Abdullah Alsulaiman

Musaad Abdullah Alsulaiman
د. مساعد عبدالله السليمان
Alsulaiman M.
Saudi Arabia


Batch No 7-1994
Basic profession Dentist
Basic profession degree BDS
Institute Ministry of Healh
Region Riyadh
Years of exp
Other exper

Studies published in bulletin

  1. Salmonella outbreak among attendees of two wedding parties, Riyadh, July 2000
    Alsaedi T., AlGheilani A., Turkistani AM., Nooh R., Alsulaiman M.
  2. An Outbreak of Gastroenteritis in a Child Care Center, 1999
    Turkistani Maarouf A., Alsulaiman M., Mohammed A., Alhamdan N.
  3. Reasons for tooth loss, Riyadh city, 1996
    Alsulaiman M., Fontain R.