Article Info
Year: 1996
Month: July
Issue: 3
, .Saudi Epidemiology Bulletin. 1996;3(3):.
As part of a study done in Makkah City on knowledge attitudes and practices of reporting communicable diseases among reporters, participants were asked whether or not they read Saudi Epidemiology Bulletin (SEB). Of respondents, 29% reported that they read SEB. The majority of these were public health physicians (54%), followed by non-physicians working in infection control department (28%), and physicians (25%). When categorized by health unit, the majority worked at Primary Health Care Centers (44%) followed by other governmental health units (38%) and MOH hospitals (36%). Of seven employees in regional health affairs, two are public health physicians and both stated they read SEB. Only 22% of employees at private hospitals and 4% of employees at private clinics read SEB.