Article Info
Year: 1993
Month: December
Issue: 2
, .Saudi Epidemiology Bulletin. 1993;1(2):.
The Saudi Epidemiology Bulletin is published quarterly by the Department of Preventive Medicine and the Field Epidemiology Training Program and is sent free of charge to PI-ICCs, hospitals and other institutions.
The main purpose of this publication is to provide feedback between the Department of Preventive Medicine and medical staff throughout the Kingdom. The scope of the bulletin is public health in general and epidemiology of infectious and non-infectious diseases in particular, with emphasis on surveillance, outbreak investigations, applied research, hospital infection and innovative approaches. All medical personnel are invited to contribute.
Papers fulfilling the following requirements will be considered:
- The work should be original.
- Follow the Vancouver style [1] in preparing articles, which should be no more than 500 words. An Arabic translation of the summary is desirable. Provide all figures and maps. Number references sequentially.
- All statements and figures presented are the responsibility of the author and should not have been previously published.
- All articles accepted for publication are subject to editing, including omission or amendment of material.
- The author's name and institute, full postal address, and telephone and fax numbers should be provided.
1. International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. Saudi Med J 1991; 12(6): 443-448.