Article Info
Year: 1993
Month: September
Issue: 1
, .Saudi Epidemiology Bulletin. 1993;1(1):.
The Ministry of Health is sponsoring a two-day training program on 12-13 Jumada Thani 1415H (15-16 November 1994) at King Abdulaziz Hospital in Jeddah. It is designed to explain the reporting requirements of the National Cancer Registry for malignancies diagnosed on or after 19 Rajab 1415H (1 January 1994). Participants from the Kingdom's hospitals and private clinics will be instructed in identifying cases, assigning a stage to the extent of disease, recording the World Health
Organization codes for the primary site and histopathology of the malignancy, and completing the National Cancer Registry registration form.
Prerequisites for registration are facility in written and oral English and working knowledge of medical terminology and human anatomy. There is no registration fee, and all course materials will be provided to the participants. The course instructor is Dolores K. Michels, CTR, the administrative director of the National Cancer Registry and a member of the faculty, American College of Surgeons, Tumor Registry Procedures.
The course consists of lectures followed by practice exercises.
Therefore, registration is limited to 25 participants. To get further information or to register, contact Dr. Assert AlRadi, King Abdulaziz Hospital, P.O. Box 31467, Jeddah 21497, Saudi Arabia; 02-637-5555 (phone) or 02-637-9811 (fax).