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Field Epidemiology Training Program
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FETP Studies
Wristband wearing among pilgrims in Makkah, during Hajj, 1415.
Work-time Behavioral Risk Factors among Slaughterhouse Workers in Mina during Hajj, 1427 Hijra.
Vaccination against Influenza among Health Care Workers in Al Mashaer during Hajj 2019 (1440 H); Uptake and Barriers
Utilization of Primary Health Care Services during Hajj, Mina, 1418H (1998).*
Utilization of Health Services at Gulf Medical Mission Clinics, Makkah, 1420 H.
Types and patterns of medical supplies carried by Arab hajjis in Hajj season 1427H.
Trend of Infectious Respiratory Illnesses in Inpatient at Makkah after full establishment of HESN during Hajj
Transportation of emergency cases by Saudi Red Crescent Society medical teams to health facilities in Makkah and Mina during Hajj season 1429H-2008G
The role of Hamla management in the prevention and control of food poisoning episodes in Mina, during Hajj 1430 (2009)
The Prevalence of Successful Tobacco Quitters among Visitors of Tobacco control Program Clinics in Makkah Al-Mukarramah 2014-2016 Cross Sectional Study
Surveillance and Containment of an Outbreak of Cholera Imported to Makkah, Saudi Arabia.
Subtypes of influenza during Hajj season 1426(2005)
Study of the Health Status of Non-Hamla Joining Hajjees (Muftaresheen) During Hajj, 1420 H.
Study of Ambulatory Medical Services at Mina primary health care centers for Hajjis during Hajj Year 1435H (2014G)
Study about Al-Muftaresheen during Hajj season 1425 H.
Sources of health education for international Arabic pilgrims, and the effect of this education on their practices toward the health hazard in hajj, Hajj of 2006 AD, 1427 H.
Smoking habits in Hajj: A cross-sectional study on 464 pilgrims in Makkah, 2017 (1438 H)
Serotypes of influenza during Hajj season 1424 (2004)
Seropositivity in Clinical Influenza Cases among Pilgrims during Hajj, 1421 H.
Sero-epidemiological Study of Brucellosis among Butchers in Makkah during Hajj, 1419 H.
Seat Belt Use on Transportation Buses for Hajj 1438 (2017).
Satisfaction of Arab patients about services provided by primary health care centers in Makkah and Mina during hajj season 1430 H (2009G)
Rubella Outbreak among Police Cadets in the Security Forces Training City during Hajj, 1415 H.
Risk Factors of Heat Exhaustion among Pilgrims to Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 1995.
Risk factors of direct heat-related hospitalization in Mina during 1437 hajj.
Risk factors of bacterial meningitis in Makkah during Hajj 1421 H: A Pilot Study.
Risk Factors for Hip Fractures among Pilgrims to Makkah during Hajj, 1998.
Profile of Diabetic Omani Pilgrims to Mecca*
Prevalence of Pre-Hypertension among Saudi males Attending Primary Health Care Centers, Makkah City, Saudi Arabia, 2019
Prevalence of Pre-Diabetes among Saudi Adult Male Attending Primary Health Care Centers, Makkah City, Saudi Arabia, 2019
Pre-Hajj Health-Related Advice, Makkah 1999 (1419 H).
Pre-Hajj Disaster Preparedness for Arab hajjes, Hajj seasons 1433 H (2012 G).
Perception and coping with excessive heat exposure among male Arab pilgrims, 1436.
Pattern of referral of sick pilgrims from Omani medical mission during Hajj 2019 (1440 H)
Pattern of Laboratory Results in Hajj Season, 1429H.
Pattern of injuries among pilgrims in Mina General Hospital, Hajj 1438 2017, A Cross-section study
Pattern of health care need and Utilization among Hajjis during Hajj 1426H
Pattern of diseases among visitors of Mina health centers during hajj season, 1429 H (2008G)
Neonatal Tetanus Outbreak in Makkah City, on February 2019.
N. Meningitis Outbreak at Mecca, February - March 2018
Mumps outbreak in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 1438H
Mortality trends of Pilgrims In Hajj during the period 2006-2016(1427H-1436H)
Meningococcal Meningitis in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 1992.
Meningococcal Carriage Rate among Hajjees in Makkah, 1421 H.
Mass Psychogenic Illness Caused by Hydrogen Sulfide at a Public School in Southwest Saudi Arabia on 28 of March, 2017.
Malaria outbreak among illegal Ethiopian immigrants in Al-barzah village of Makkah province, KSA, December 2002; A study of environmental and behavioral risk factors
Malaria Among Pilgrims to Makkah (Hajjees): Is It Imported or Locally Acquired?
Knowledge, attitudes regarding hand hygiene of health care workers at Mina hospitals during Hajj season, 1433H.
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Reporting Communicable Diseases among Reporters in Makkah City, 1996.
Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Physicians Regarding Smoking in Makkah Region.
Knowledge towards health-care associated infection of health care workers in Mina hospitals during Hajj season, 1434H, 2013G.
Knowledge of Health Workers at Al Zaher and Ajyad Hospitals of Health Care Waste Management, During Hajj Seasons 1426H, 2006G.
Influenza A and B Among Pilgrims Attending Makkah and Al-Mashaer Hospitals During Hajj 1440H (2019)
Increase number of Covid-19 cases among holy mosque worker in Makkah city, Saudi Arabia, June 2021
Hygienic quality of food supplied for hajjis in Mina camps and factors affecting it during Hajj 1426H (2006 G)
Health education among pilgrims during Hajj season 2016 (1437H).
Health - Related Services Provided for Hospitalized Hajjees During Shifting to Arafat, Makkah, Hajj 1420 H.
Head-Shaving Practices of Barbers and Pilgrims to Makkah, 1418 H (1998).
Hand Hygiene Practices among Doctors and Nurses at Emergency departments of Mina Hospitals during Hajj Season 1433 H (2012 G), Saudi Arabia.
Food poisoning outbreak among Emirates delegation in Hajj 2017.
Food poisoning outbreak among Algerian Umrah Pilgrims in Makkah, 2016 (1437H)
Factors affecting primary health care services (PHCS) utilization by Hajjis, 1430H
Evaluation of Satisfaction of Ministry of Health Workers in the Sacred Places (Makkah) during Hajj Season 1424H
Evaluation of injury surveillance system in Hajj 1425 H.
Evaluation of coordination mechanism between medical hajj missions and MOH during hajj 1432H.
Evaluation of an Educational Poster on Head Shaving During Hajj, 1999 (1419 H).
Drug resistance to anti-tuberculosis drugs: a cross-sectional study from Makkah, Saudi Arabia
Diphtheria Outbreak in Makkah City.
Determinants of case fatality rates of meningococcal disease during outbreaks in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 1987-97.*
Congo-Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever In Slaughterhouse Workers.
Congo-Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever In Slaughterhouse Workers
Congo-Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever in Makkah, Saudi Arabia.
Bloodborne Diseases among Barbers in Makkah during Hajj, 1419H.
Behavioral risk related to food practices among non-domestic Arab hajjis 1432H, 2011G .
Behavioral Risk Factors for Diseases during the Pilgrimage to Makkah 1428 H/2007 G
Behavioral Risk Factors for Diseases during the Hajj to Makkah, 1418 H (1998).*
Behavioral Risk Factors for Diseases during Pilgrimage to Makkah (Hajj), 1417 H (1997).
Behavioral Risk Factors among Omani hajjis during the hajj season 1432H/2011G.
Assessment of vaccination status and other preventive practices among health care workers in hajj season, 1428 H (2007G).
Assessment of utilization of additional human and medical resources to primary health care centers in makkah city during Hajj season 1426H
Assessment of resident physicians and other health services provided by local hamlas during Hajj 1426 H
Assessment of Omani pilgrim health-related services provided Bb Hamla, during and after Hajj, 1438H (2017).
Assessment of Hygienic Quality of Food, Food Handlers and Restaurant Environments in Makkah during Hajj 1428 H
Assessment of Health Services Provided to Pilgrims by Saudi Boy Scouts and their exposure to health risks during these activities in Hajj 1429h
An Outbreak of Meningococcal Meningitis: Makkah, January 12 - April 28, 1997.
An Outbreak of Meningococcal Meningitis in the Holy City of Makkah.
An Outbreak of Gastroenteritis in a Child Care Center in Makkah, 1419 H.
Adherence of Omani Hajjis to Health Education Advice on Major Health Hazards during Hajj, 1433H (2012G).
A scabies outbreak in a Makkah city, Saudi Arabia 2018
A Mixed Outbreak of Measles and Rubella among Police Cadets on Duty during the 1997 Pilgrimage to Makkah.
A Massive Scabies Outbreak in Makkah Region, Western kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2018: Matched Case-Control Study.
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